He is a literary critic and researcher. Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela and secretary of the Ramón Piñeiro Centre for Research in the Humanities, he is also coordinator of Activities and Publications at the Álvaro Cunqueiro House-Museum.
As an essayist and scholar he dealt with the work of Álvaro Cunqueiro, Luís Seoane, Aníbal Otero, Eduardo Lence-Santar, Xosé Díaz Jácome, Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Álvaro de las Casas, Arcadio López-Casanova, Victoriano Taibo, Manuel Leiras Pulpeiro, Daniel Pernas Nieto, Ramón Piñeiro, Xosé Neira Vilas, Fernando Pérez-Barreiro Nolla and Luisa Villalta, among others. To Ánxel Fole, from Lugo, he dedicated his Bachelor’s Thesis in 1996, for which he obtained the Extraordinary Prize of the USC. For his part, Xosé María Díaz Castro dedicated his PhD thesis in 2014 to Xosé María Díaz Castro, also winner of the USC’s Extraordinary Prize.
Member of the Asociación Galega da Crítica, the Asociación Española de Críticos Literarios and the Asociación de Escritor@s en Lingua Galega, he received several distinctions for his work, among them the Xerais Prize for Publishing Cooperation 2004, the Ánxel Fole Literary Prize 2010 or the Manuel Reimóndez Portela Journalism Prize 2017.
Since 2016 he has directed the Cadernos Ramón Piñeiro and the collections Láncara de Poesía e Narrativa Recuperada within the Proxecto Recuperación de Textos Literarios e Xornalísticos Galegos, for which he is the main responsible at the CRPIH, where he also directs the Proxecto Bibliografía da Literatura Galega. Since December 2019, he has also directed the Selva de Esmelle Collection and the Papel de Color collection, publications of the Álvaro Cunqueiro House-Museum.
As a literary critic, he is a regular commentator in the newspapers of Grupo Editorial Prensa Ibérica (Faro de Vigo, La Opinión) and Grupo La Capital (El Ideal Gallego, Diario de Ferrol, Diario de Arousa, Diario de Bergantiños), as well as in the Diario Cultural da Radio Gallega. A representative part of this work as a commentator on Galician books in the media was collected in the volume Criticalia (2011). Under this name, he has maintained a blog of literary commentary and analysis since February 2011.