Year of publication:
Consello da Cultura Galega
Requeixo Cuba, A. (2020). As Bretañas de Cunqueiro. En Villares, R., Botrel, J.F., & Rivalan Guégo, C. (coord.), Galicia-Bretaña: Olladas comparadas (pp. 267-282). Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega.
Álvaro Cunqueiro was a Bretonophile writer. His literary work proves it. And also his opinions about the trip he made to that Fisterra. In the pages that follow, I will highlight how in the treatment of Breton themes, Cunqueiro handled himself with a double knowledge: the literary (his most extensive initial knowledge) and the vital (later and panoramic). I will also emphasize the main Galician-Breton lines of convergence as evidenced by Cunqueirian writing: Breton Celticism, admiration for the old kingdoms of Christendom and the fascination for the matter of Britain. In what follows, I will present what I judge to be his Breton spiritual worldview, taking into account his considerations in this regard in the fields of mythology, hagiography, legend-history and the ultra-real. Finally, I will deal with the generic transversality that characterizes the presence of the Breton theme in the work of the Mindonian, which is evident both in his narrative and in his poems, just as in literary journalism as in translation and even in other areas.