Journal article

29 December 2014

The result of qvo project: metamorphosis 5

Abstract If you look at each of the arts and try to see them as large containers of disciplines, we find that cinema is the most porous […]
29 December 2014

Project QVO as an innovative proposal of enrichment

Abstract The project is a QVO school enrichment for children with high abilities that develops in the Museum of Man in La Coruña. Based on current theories […]
29 December 2014

Díaz Castro by Díaz Castro: (auto)poetics and critical readings

Abstract The present paper intends to explore Xosé María Díaz Castro’s autopoetic ideas by drawing a map of his readings and literary roots as well as […]
29 December 2014

Begoña Caamaño’s photographs

29 December 2014

Art: noun, feminine, plural

Abstract This paper describes how the Art: noun, feminine, plural project was carried out by female trainee teachers. A range of different activities and metacognitive strategies […]
29 December 2014

The critical fortune of Díaz Castro’s work

Abstract This paper reviews the critical reception of Xosé María Díaz Castro’s work. Relevant factors which shaped the reception of his work are examined, identifying those […]