Year of publication:
Catro Ventos
Fernández Blanco, M., Ramallo, F., García Negro, P., Nogueira Pereira, M.X., Outeriño, M., Sampedro, F., & Teixeiro Rei. I. (coord.) (2020). Setenta ideas para a (pos)pandemia. Vigo: Catro Ventos
With the advent of the pandemic, the world will enter a new historical phase which, in the coming years, we will come to know with more certainty than we do today. To some extent, therefore, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the new century is beginning now, with the entry into more deteriorated living conditions for most of the world’s population, conditions that are likely to become “naturalised”.
Setenta ideas para a (pos)pandemia is the result of an interpellation to seven Galician authors (Manuel Fernández Blanco, Pilar García Negro, María Xesús Nogueira Pereira, Xosé Manuel Outeiriño Gallego, Fernando Ramallo, Francisco Sampedro and Iolanda Teixeiro Rei) who were asked to elaborate a decalogue around their consideration of the world we are entering or, in any case, to which phase of the current world-system we are heading. A selection of ideas and thoughts out loud that we hope and know will be a starting point to motivate interesting debates, arouse controversy and give rise to necessary proposals for improvement that will bring the winds of change in these new difficult but suggestive times.