Year of publication:
Edicións Xerais de Galicia
Requeixo, A. (2018). A chamada da esperanza: guerra e superación en “Historia da bicicleta dun home lagarto” (2014), de Fina Casalderrey. En Neira-Rodríguez, M., Roig Rechou, B.A., & Soto López, I. (dir.), As mulleres como axentes literarias na LIX do século XXI (pp. 321-332). Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.
This essay involves a critical approach to the main features of Fina Casalderrey’s Historia da bicicleta dun home lagarto, novel published in 2014. For this purpose, I shall begin by dealing with the origins of the novel, its initial reception and translations. Then I shall consider the themes of the text linked to its main characters and, finally, I shall refer to its structure and style.