Year of publication:
Franco-Vazquez, C. (2017). Apuntes sobre las relaciones entre el arte y los conflictos bélicos. Franco-Vázquez, C., & Roig Rechou, B.A. (coord.), Educación literaria y artística: conflictos sociales y bélicos (pp. 71-83). Barcelona: Graó.
This analysis begins with a brief survey of the history of art, focusing on the relationship between image and war. The visual treatment of the war changed after the work of Goya, who focused on its consequences for people. During the 20th century, the European artistic avant-gardes were involved in the two World Wars, and this influenced the artists and their creations. After a section on censorship, the study deals with the position that contemporary artists adopt in the face of war and the suffering of the victims of war. It concludes with reflections on the inclusion of methodologies that use art education to manage conflict in the classroom.