Year of publication:
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Trigo Martínez, C. (2019). Atlas ArtEducativo: La ciudad desplegada. En Mejón, A., Conte, D., & Zahedi, F. (coord.), La ciudad: imágenes e imaginario: Actas del Congreso Internacional Interdisciplinar La ciudad: imágenes e imaginarios: [celebrado en la] Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 12-15 de marzo de 2018 (pp. 462-476). Getafe: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
The Atlas ArtEducativo Project: The City Deployed, offers Art and Visual Education II: Processes and Artistic Projects subject students the opportunity of developing hypotheses about how the city works and drawing a parallel between urban framework and educational project based on the experience and the creation of situations. The Situationist movement and the concept of dérive, the Atlas Mnemosyne created by historian German Aby Warburg (1866-1929), the education based on the Paradigm of Complexity and the Projects-process of artistic learning are the methodological references for this proposal focused on the city. The walk workshop will be the beginning of a process that continues in the faculty. All the material collected by the students is displayed such as an immense Atlas: an open, non-linear and mutable device in which stories and images are activated as shock waves and intertwine to research into the possibilities of the city as ArtEducativo context.