Year of publication:
Freire, E. (2018). Casas-Mapa. Espazos da Memoria. Elos: Revista De Literatura Infantil E Xuvenil, (5).
This study the subject of the influence that the spaces where we develop our daily activity exert upon us and also explores the story-telling and learning potential of our surrenderings. Map-houses refers to those spaces that set our own identity, It speaks about the soul of the place, the transformation of our locus. The illustrated poetry of Versos como una Casa, the poetric description of Casas, the image-words of Hay Casas and the life histories of La casa de los Cubos are some picture books references in where spaces and places of the memory are the conducting thread of the main plot. Spaces are presented like first order educative and artistic resources linked to our own identity building. This research wants to deepen in the structure and analysis of picture book as a mean and tool to configure personal maps starting from a methodology of develop artistic processes and an initial research based on the Arts and on the Learning Communities.