Year of publication:
Agilice Digital
Calviño-Santos, G., & Vidal Ruiz de Velasco, A.M. (2018). Publicación digital: “antología sobre conflictos bélicos”. En Álvarez Ramos, E., & Blasco Pascual, F.J. (coord.), Humanidades digitales: Retos, recursos y nuevas propuestas (pp. 259-260). Valladolid: Agilice Digital.
In this text, the authors explain the phases of the creation process of the digital publication “Antología sobre conflictos bélicos” (ISBN: 978-84-697-3940-2). This publication is part of the research project “Tematología y Métodos. Las guerras en la narrativa juvenil en el Marco Ibérico” (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. FFI2013- 42702-P) carried out by the research group LITER21 with the collaboration of the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, both from the University of Santiago de Compostela. As the authors of the presentation, Eulalia Agrelo and Isabel Mociño, say, it is “a selection of narrative texts corresponding to around fifty literary works that recreate in fiction war conflicts from different periods and whose potential recipients are children and young people”. The selection was made by members of the research network Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano (LIJMI), and its main objective is to transmit knowledge and values to young people that are in line with those that appear in the curricular designs.
Both the content, which is organised according to the different linguistic areas of the Iberian framework, and the interface, have been designed with the intention of obtaining a fluid browsing experience that favours the search and reading of the authors’ biographies, synopses and excerpts from the selected books. Images and layout are an integral part of a design that aims to be functional and elegant.
This publication is currently available at and is awaiting translation into Galician to be hosted on the website of the Ramón Piñeiro Centre for Research in the Humanities.