Year of publication:
Editorial Graó
Trigo Martínez, C. (2022). Aproximaciones al entorno a través de la educación artística o ArtEducación. En Franco-Vázquez, C., Gillanders, C., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (coords.), Proyectos interdisciplinares de educación artística y literaria (pp. 161-177). Barcelona: Editorial Graó.
Environmental problems and other sustainability crises call for our action and commitment as stated in the Roadmap for Sustainable Education. Arts education or ArtEducation can provide tools for reflection and experiences that promote a change in the way we look at, understand, and experience the relationship with the environment in a more conscious way and, therefore, help future teachers to design and reconsider their practice. But to promote interaction with the environment it is necessary to deactivate established dynamics and seek new strategies for exploration and recognition. Here we present different projects based on the journey workshop as a methodology that promotes links with the environment through artistic processes that focus on feeling and knowing, as a necessary preliminary step to be able to transform today’s society into a more sustainable one.