Year of publication:
Franco-Vazquez, C., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (2021). Promoviendo el pensamiento creativo a través de las narrativas visuales y literarias: un estudio de caso en el Grado en Maestro/a de Educación Infantil. Revista de investigación en educación, 19 (2), 162-175.
A case study carried out with students of the degree of Teacher of Early Childhood Education of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela is described. The implementation of shared actions between different disciplines allows to stimulate creative thinking. In this way, active collaboration between teachers from different areas benefits the students who learn to desing cooperative projects in a practical way. The experience began in the “Children’s Literature and Dramatization” classes. Thus, starting from the now classic author Gianni Rodari, and his book Grammar of fantasy, as a first activity the students wrote different texts in which various creative strategies to promote reading were put into practice. These texts served as the basis for the students of the other discipline: “Visual and Plastic Education”. This second phase explores the possibilities of visual narratives, taking as an artistic reference artists and illustrators who use collage for their creations. Finally, the resulting creations and the relevance of this methodology are analyzed.