Year of publication:
Edicións Xerais de Galicia
G-Pedreira, R. (2021). A “desdramatización” dramática da morte: “A pequena compaña”, de Carlos Labraña. En Neira-Rodríguez, M., Roig Rechou, B.A., & Soto López, M.I. (coord.), A morte e as súas representacións na lix ibérica e iberoamericana (pp. 391-401). Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.
After a brief presentation of some interesting background information, such as Galicia’s close relationship with death, its treatment in children’s works and the educational potential of the theatrical genre, the play A pequena compaña, by Carlos Labraña, is discussed. This dramatic piece stands out for its de-dramatization of the wandering of lost souls towards their salvation, represented through the journey of a small company of four children who must overcome different challenges, in a race against the clock created thinking to the newest readers with large does of magic, humour and adventures.