Year of publication:
Editorial Graó
G-Pedreira, R. (2022). Romper moldes desde la escuela: mujeres creadoras como eje vertebrador del trabajo por proyectos. En Franco-Vázquez, C., Gillanders, C., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (coords.), Proyectos interdisciplinares de educación artística y literaria (pp. 117-131). Barcelona: Editorial Graó.
The school is one of the institutions with formative responsibility for young people capable of alleviating the limiting masculinisation present in different fields, including filmmaking. Based on this consideration, our aim is to offer a theoretical framework and methodological guidelines, with practical examples, for the development of interdisciplinary comprehension project proposals around literary and filmic creation by women, designed for students in the second cycle of infant education. The treatment of the different themes of the proposal also seeks to help overcome the training difficulties that teachers encounter when planning from children’s filmic works in a central, organised, and reflective way.