Year of publication:
Editorial Graó
Freire Pérez, E.L., Cidrás Robles, S., & Blanco Mosquera, V. (2022). Proyectar escenarios de acción. Hacia una creatividad compartida. En Franco-Vázquez, C., Gillanders, C., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (coords.), Proyectos interdisciplinares de educación artística y literaria (pp. 103-116). Barcelona: Editorial Graó.
Against the passivity, limitation, and rigidity of the strict application of the official curriculum in schools and other non-formal educational settings, our duty as teachers is to present alternatives and supports for action that promote the self-construction of active, transformative and critical learning. The imposition of this methodological passivity entails working on a biased reality that has nothing to do with the everyday reality of experiential learning. This passivity is also reflected in the places where learning takes place, which are considerably reduced to the space of the classroom. It is practically impossible to carry out a processual, participatory, and common experience in a standardised, hierarchical and equally biased space. This chapter focuses on the analysis of the transformative capacity of the self-projected space from different references and experiences based on the configuration of new places of experimentation and collective learning.