Year of publication:
Tropelias & Companhia
Franco-Vázquez, C., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (2019). Educación literaria e artística. Diálogos interxeneracionais na LIX galega. En Macedo, A.C., Oliveira, E., Neira-Rodríguez, M., & Reis da Silva, S. (Coords.), Literatura para Crianças e Educação Literaria: Diálogos Intergeracionais (pp. 109-131). Porto: Tropelias & Companhía.
We collect the background of the relationship between children and old aged people as a theme in Galician Children’s and Young People’s Literature and art. It highlights those galician narrative works that addressed the intergenerational dialogues between grandparents and children. Some of the most outstanding images are analized.