Year of publication:
Neira-Rodríguez, M. (2017). El reflejo de las mujeres refugiadas en la narrativa infantil y juvenil gallega: Un par de ejemplos para trabajar en las aulas. En Franco-Vázquez, C., & Roig Rechou, B.A. (coord.), Educación literaria y artística: conflictos sociales y bélicos (pp. 123-135). Barcelona: Graó.
After recalling the importance given to literary education in current academic curricula, and after taking up some approximations to its definition, the chapter will focus on two narrative works in the Galician language that deal with war conflicts and, more specifically, with the presence and role of “refugee women”. The selected novels are Mañá fará bo día, by the French writer of Algerian origin Luce Fillol, and Tristes armas, by the Galician writer Marina Mayoral.