Year of publication:
AFOE. Asociación para la Formación, el Ocio y el Empleo
Gillanders, C., & Tojeiro Pérez, L. (2017). Música y Educación Ambiental: una experiencia interdisciplinar. En López Meneses, E., Cobos Sanchiz, D., Martín Padilla, A.H., Molina García, L., & Jaéz Martínez, A. (dir. congr.), III Congreso Internacional Virtual innovación pedagógica y praxis educativa: INNOVAGOGÍA 2016 (pp. 124-134). Sevilla: AFOE. Asociación para la Formación, el Ocio y el Empleo.
This paper presents an experience carried out in a community school in the region of Brussels during the 2015/2016 academic year, with students between 5 and 8 years old. Intends to put in relationship between music and nature, in order to simultaneously stimulate sensitivity artistic and environmental awareness of students. For its application, the proposal is supported in legal provisions that ensure the organization and financing of activities cross-sectional collaboration between schools and cultural entities, in order to fill the educational gaps in the official curriculum. With this, the experience highlights the importance of Music Education and Environmental Education, frequently forgotten in educational policies, and serves as a reference model for the future application of interdisciplinary projects.