Year of publication:
Edicións Xerais de Galicia
Cortizas Varela, O., & Franco-Vázquez, C. (2017). O mundo árabe a través das ilustracións da LIX. En Roig Rechou, B.A., Soto López, I., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (coord.), Representacións do mundo árabe na LIX (pp. 447-459). Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.
After a brief introduction about the contact between Western art and Arabic civilization and the influence this last one specially had on the painters from the beginning of the twentieth century, this paper analyses the most recurrent images in the illustrations for children books published in Galicia during the first years of twenty first century about the Arabic world. From this analysis we can conclude that the perception of the Arabic culture prevalent int the Western world is still full of stereotypes. In spite of this, these images help to transmit a world that catches the attention of the readership.