Year of publication:
Edicións Xerais de Galicia
Lorenzo-Otero, J.L., & Franco-Váquez, C. (2022). Cómic, ilustración e literatura en Galicia. Da prensa escrita á novela gráfica actual. En Neira-Rodríguez, M., Roig Rechou, B.A., & Soto López, I. (coords.), Cómic e Literatura (pp. 49-81). Vigo: Xerais.
The relationship between illustration, literature and comics is, in general way, this paper’s aim of discussion –insisting on the particularities of this artistic modality. After a brief historical overview in which the antecedents of narration in images are considered, the study focuses on the link between comics and the daily press and periodical magazines, and it aims to explain too the reproduction techniques that served to spread the genre and the dominant styles on a global scale. The history of the Galician comic, from its birth in the 1970s up to now, also is summarized. The paper concludes with a selection of Galician comic most influential creators, analyzing their styles and the main references found in their work.