Year of publication:
Franco-Vázquez, C., Calviño Santos, G., Cortizas Álvarez, O., & Trigo Martínez, C. (2017). La colaboración docente entre profesorado de expresión plástica: Proyectos de educación artística. Foro de educación musical, artes y pedagogía, 2 (3), 79-95.
This article explores the circumstances that new teachers face at the beginning of their work at a university teacher training institution: the relationships that they need to establish with their colleagues, the knowledge of the internal structures of the Faculty, new teaching and academic practices, the relationship with students, their inclusion in a research group, etc. After some staff changes in the Department of Plastic Expression Didactics in the Faculty of Art Education at University of Santiago de Compostela during the year 2014, we describe the birth of a teaching collaborative group that contributed to the improvement of teaching quality and the possibility to assume new research projects in an effective and satisfactory working environment.