Year of publication:
Editorial Graó
Cortizas Varela, O. (2022). «Exposición escondida: exposición para ollos expertos». En Franco-Vázquez, C., Gillanders, C., & Neira-Rodríguez, M. (coords.), Proyectos interdisciplinares de educación artística y literaria (pp. 53-68). Barcelona: Editorial Graó.
In this document I share the didactic proposal “Exposición escondida: exposición para ollos expertos”, an activity framed within the subject “Visual and plastic education II: Processes and artistic projects”, of the Teaching Primary Education Degree, which engaged students in in-depth research focused on their immediate context for the design and creation of artistic interventions in space. The final action of the project was a collective and relocated exhibition in the local context. This text also includes the work of artists who help to contextualise the proposal and at the same time help to unfold new possibilities for activation. The reflective review of its implementation seeks to become an incentive that generates new possibilities that take up, improve, or adapt this educational experience to other realities.