Abstract Volume that collects fifty articles by collaborators to honor Professor Anxo Tarrío for his retirement. The essays cover subjects such as Galician literary historiography, literary […]
Abstract The members of the Thematic Research Network “Las Literaturas Infantiles y Juveniles del Marco Ibérico e Iberoamericano” (LIJMI) present in this volume various reflections on […]
Abstract A literary selection on war and social conflicts that aims to facilitate the task of establishing the reading habit and achieving a competent reader, both […]
Abstract The title refers to the thirteen poets in the anthology: Francisco Cortegoso, Oriana Méndez, Jesús Castro Yáñez, Andrea Nunes Brións, Xabier Xil Xardón, Gonzalo Hermno, […]
Abstract This paper presents a review about the presence of the Arabic world in Galician Children and Young Adults’ Literature from the twenty first century, including […]
Abstract After commenting on the influences of Eastern tales in Europe, this paper focuses on their influences on the European cinema. It pays careful attention on […]
Abstract After a brief introduction about the contact between Western art and Arabic civilization and the influence this last one specially had on the painters from […]
AFOE. Asociación para la Formación, el Ocio y el Empleo
Abstract This paper presents an experience carried out in a community school in the region of Brussels during the 2015/2016 academic year, with students between 5 […]